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Mr Premjit Randhawa


Premjit Randhawa is a fully trained and UK accredited ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon. He is a full member of the British and European Society of Facial Plastic Surgery. He is a Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic surgeon at the Royal National Ear Nose and Throat Hospital in London and a surgical member of the Facial deformity and Facial palsy services at University College London Hospital NHS Trust.

Cosmetic Surgery Partners Premjit Randhawa expert ENT nose and rhinoplasty surgeon

Mr. Premjit Randhawa

Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon

Mr Randhawa is a Consultant ENT Surgeon at the world renowned Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital in London. Having graduated from the University of Leicester, Mr Randhawa completed his higher surgical training in London where he worked in several centres of excellence and trained under internationally renowned surgeons. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and holds a Masters in Allergy which he obtained with distinction from Imperial College London.

His broad experience allows him to treat all aspects of ear, nose and throat conditions in both adults and children. However, his particular area of expertise is diseases of the nose and sinuses ranging. Mr Randhawa runs a tertiary referral nasal deformity service at UCLH and performs a large number of functional, revision and reconstructive rhinoplasty. Mr Randhawa has performed more than 3000 nasal procedures.

Mr Randhawa is also a surgical member of the Facial deformity and facial reanimation services at University College London Hospitals which offers surgical treatment to patients with facial nerve problems and craniofacial deformity.

Mr Randhawa is actively involved in teaching and training junior surgeons and is the education lead for ENT surgery at University College London Hospitals. He is also a Surgical Tutor for the Royal College of Surgeons of England.  He has published more than 40 peer reviewed articles in leading medical journals with his main research interest in nasal surgery and function. He lectures and performs surgical demonstrations on nasal surgery courses (rhinoplasty/endoscopic sinus surgery) which attracts an international audience. He is a full member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery and the British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery.


  1. Pendolino AL, Benshetrit G, Navaratnam AV, To C, Bandino F, Scarpa B, Kwame I, Ludwig DR, McAdoo S, Kuchai R, Gane S, Saleh H, Pusey CD, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. The role of ANCA in cocaine-induced midline destructive lesions: a London multicentre case series. Laryngoscope. 2024 Jun;134(6):2609-2616. doi: 10.1002/lary.31219. Epub 2023 Dec 12.
  1. Enhancing Paranasal Sinus Disease Detection with AutoML: Efficient AI Development and Evaluation via Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Accepted for publication in European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.
  1. Performance of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Sleep Medicine Certification Board Exams: ChatGPT versus Google Bard. Accepted for publication in European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
  1. Cheong RCT, Unadkat S, Mcneillis V, Williamson A, Joseph J, Randhawa PS, Andrews P, Paleri V. Artificial intelligence chatbots as sources of patient education material for obstructive sleep apnoea: ChatGPT versus Google Bard. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00405-023-08319-9
  1. Navaratnam AV, Pendolino AL, Little S, Randhawa PS, Hopkins C, Andrews PJ, Saleh HA. Safety of day-case endoscopic sinus surgery in England: An observational study using an administrative dataset. Clin Otolaryngol. 2023 Mar;48(2):191-199. doi: 10.1111/coa.14006. Epub 2022 Nov 21.PMID: 36367082
  1. Pendolino AL, Bandino F, Navaratnam AV, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. The role of large cavity sinus surgery in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis in N-ERD: a single-centre experience and long-term outcomes”. J Laryngol Otol. 2023 Aug;137(8):883-889. doi: 10.1017/S0022215122002468. Epub 2022 Nov 29.PMID: 36443933
  1. Ross T, Navaratnam A, Jones J, Randhawa P, Andrews PJ, Saleh HA. Litigation in Septorhinoplasty Surgery: A Pan-Specialty Review. Facial Plast Surg. 2023 Apr;39(2):142-147. doi: 10.1055/a-1910-0604. Epub 2022 Jul 26.PMID: 35882369
  1. Lechner M, Takahashi Y et al. International Multicenter Study of Clinical Outcomes of Sinonasal Melanoma Shows Survival Benefit for Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Potential Improvements to the Current Tumor, Node, and Metastasis Staging System. Accepted for publication Journal of Neurological Surgery—Part B (May 2022).
  1. Pendolino AL , Navaratnam AV, Nijim J, Kelly CE, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. The role of social media in improving patient recruitment for research studies on persistent post-infectious olfactory dysfunction. Accepted for publication in Medicina (February 2022)
  1. Navaratnam A, Pendolino AL, Kaura A, Niijm , Machin J, Briggs TWR, Marshall A, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. Lessons from rhinology and facial plastics clinical negligence claims in England 2013-2018. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Dec 2021. DOI: 10.1017/S0022215121003959
  1. Lechner M, Takahashi Y et al. Clinical outcomes, Kadish-INSICA staging and therapeutic targeting of somatostatin receptor 2 in olfactory neuroblastoma. European Journal of Cancer. doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2021.09.046
  1. Andrews, P, Anschutz, L, Baptista, P, Bast, F, Beule, A.G, de Carpentier, JP, Fitzgerald, D, Furtado, M, Knox, B, Lecanu, J. B, Marzetti, A, Perkins, N, Randhawa PS. Awake Rhinology Surgery in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe” ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2021 Aug 31:1-10. doi: 10.1159/000517155. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34464957
  1. Pendolino AL, Unadkat S, Navaratnam AV, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. A single-centre 5-year experience using the triple-layer technique for surgical repair of nasal septal perforations. Accepted for publication in Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine (February 2021)
  1. Pendolino AL, Kaura A, Navaratnam A, Pendolino M, Bianchi G, Unadkat S, Ottaviano G, Randhawa PS and Andrews PJ. Olfactory dysfunction in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitides: A review of the literature. Accepted for publication in The World Journal of Methodology (February 2021)
  1. Unadkat SN, Pendolino AL, Auer D, Khawaja S, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ, Saleh HA. The evidence base for the benefits of functional septorhinoplasty and its future post-Coronovirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Accepted for publication in Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine (December 2020)
  1. Pendolino AL, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. ‘How can we reduce the use of nasal endoscopy in the outpatient setting during COVID-19?” Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2020 Nov;34(6):857-858. doi: 10.1177/1945892420939813. Epub 2020 Jul 3
  1. Pendolino AL, Unadkat S, Zhang H, Pendolino M, Bianchi, G, Randhawa PS, Andrews P. The role of surgery in ANCA-associated vasculitides affecting the nose and sinuses: a systematic review. SAGE Open Medicine. SAGE Open Med. 2020 Jul 1;8:2050312120936731. doi: 10.1177/2050312120936731. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32676189
  1. Pendolino AL , Jaafar M, Unadkat S, Zhang H, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. A unilateral mucoperichondrial/mucoperiosteal flap including inferior turbinate with contralateral underlay xenograft for a large nasal septal perforation repair. Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine; April 2020. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2020 May 22. doi: 10.1089/fpsam.2020.0022. Online ahead of print.PMID: 32456462
  1. Pendolino AL, Randhawa P, Unadkat S, Andrews PJ. Septoplasty for nasal obstruction. Lancet. 2020 Feb 15;395(10223):493. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)33013-2. PMID: 3206129
  1. Unadkat S, Pendolino AL, Joshi A, Bhalla R, Woolford T, D’Souza A, Randhawa PS, Saleh H, Andrews P. A national survey of functional septorhinoplasty surgery performed in the United Kingdom: a clinician end-user questionnaire to assess current practice and help inform future practice. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb;277(2):475-482. doi: 10.1007/s00405-019-05722-z. Epub 2019 Nov 12. PMID: 31720818
  1. Kaura A, Virk JS, Joseph J, Rennie C, Singh Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. The role of unilateral nasal inspiratory peak flow in nasal obstruction-A study of 70 patients undergoing septorhinoplasty surgery. Clin Otolaryngol. 2019 May;44(3):427-430. doi: 10.1111/coa.13295. Epub 2019 Feb 28. No abstract available. PMID: 30681772
  1. Patel B, Virk JS, Randhawa PS, Andrews PJ. The internal nasal valve: a validated grading system and operative guide. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Nov;275(11):2739-2744. doi: 10.1007/s00405-018-5142-x
  1. Whitcroft KL, Andrews PJ, Randhawa PS. Peak nasal inspiratory flow correlates with quality of life in functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Clin otolaryngol 2017 Dec;42(6):1187 -1192. doi: 10.1111/coa.12859. PMID: 28247540
  1. J Joseph, Randhawa PS, J Long, S Goh, A Hannan, E Hansen, D Viel, P Andrews. Body Dysmorphic Disorder in patients undergoing septorhinoplasty surgery. Should we be performing routine screening? Clin Otolaryngol. 2017 Jun;42(3):508-513. doi: 10.1111/coa.12752. Epub 2016 Oct 5. PMID: 27627585
  1. Randhawa PS, J Rimmer, R Govender, P O’Flynn, F Vaz. Early oral feeding after primary total laryngectomy. (In Press; ENT journal)
  1. A prospective 4 year study of the objective and subjective outcomes of 15 patients after dynamic facial reanimation surgery. PJ Andrews, PS Randhawa, J Joseph, S Goh, Q Li, AL Poirrier, S R Saeed. Clin Otolaryngol. 2016 Dec;41(6):825-829. doi: 10.1111/coa.12574. Epub 2016 Feb 11.
  1. PS Randhawa, N Watson, M Lechner, L Ritchie, N Choudhury, PJ Andrews. The outcome of septorhinoplasty surgery on olfactory function. Clin Otolaryngol. 2016 Feb;41(1):15-20. doi: 10.1111/coa.12463.
  1. PJ Andrews, N Choudhury, A Takhar, AL Poirrier, T Jacques, PS Randhawa. The need for an objective measure in septorhinoplasty surgery: Are we any closer to finding an answer? Clin Otolaryngol. 2015 Dec;40(6):698-703. doi: 10.1111/coa.12455.
  1. PS Randhawa, G Wong WE Grant (2015). Image guided frontal sinus mapping: Our technique. Arch Otolaryngol Rhinol 1(1): 010-011
  1. A Thakar. J Stephens, PS Randhawa, AL Porreir, P Andrews. Rethinking Sino-Nasal Outcome: Validation of the Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-23 in Septorhinoplasty. Rhinology. 2014 Dec; 52(4): 320-6
  1. JS Virk, S Tripathi, PS Randhawa, N Mendoza, J Harcourt. Tumour resection volumes and facial nerve outcomes for vestibular schwannomas. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Jun; 66(2): 191-5
  1. PS Randhawa, YJ Lee, M Lechner, J Rimmer, T Beale, S Morley, F Vaz. One-stop Triple Scanning: the way forward in head and neck cancer management? (Bulletin RCS Eng. Vol 95, Number 5, May 2013, pp. 1-4)
  1. C Xie, H Mills, J Magill , PS Randhawa, AD Mace, PM Clarke, GS Sandhu, A Sandison, SAR Nouraei. Reducing treatment delay by improving information flow within the multidisciplinary team: a multicycle audit spiral in head and neck cancer. Clin Otolaryngol. 2012 Oct;37(5):427-8
  1. PS Randhawa, R Cetto, G Chilvers, C Georgalas, A Narula. Long-term Quality of Life Outcomes in Children undergoing Adenotonsillectomy for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Longitudinal study. Clin Otolaryngol 2011; 36: 475-481
  1. PS Randhawa, J Ahmed, SAR Nouraei, ME Wyatt. Impact of long-term
  1. Nasopharyngeal airway on health related quality of life in children with obstructive sleep apnoea due to syndromic craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Jan;22(1):125-8
  1. PS Randhawa, SAR Nouraei, S Mansuri, JS Rubin. Allergic laryngitis as a cause of dysphonia: a preliminary report. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol 2010 Dec; 35(4):169-74.
  1. PS Randhawa, S Mansuri, JS Rubin. Is dysphonia due to allergic laryngitis being misdiagnosed as laryngopharyngeal reflux? Logoped Phoniatr Vocol. 2010 Apr: 35(1):1-5
  1. K Ameena-Koufi, P Seamus, PS Randhawa, SJ Leighton, ME Wyatt. Adenotonsillectomy for Sleep Disordered Breathing in children with syndromic craniosynostosis. Journal of Craniofacial Surg. 2009 Nov; 20(6):1978-80
  1. SAR Nouraei, PS Randhawa, EF Khoury, Abdelrahim A, Cutler CR, Venkataraman A, DJ Howard, GS Sandhu. Validation of the clinical COPD questionnaire as a psychophysical outcome measure in adult Laryngotracheal stenosis. Clin Otolaryngol 2009;34:343-348
  1. SA Nouraei, SM Nouraei, PS Randhawa, CR Butler, JC Magill, DJ Howard, GS Sandhu. Sensitivity and Responsiveness of the Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale to the Presence and Treatment of Adult Laryngotracheal Stenosis. Clin Otolaryngol 2008;33:575-580
  1. AD Mace, PS Randhawa, E Woolman, MP Stearns. How we do it: Intra-operative Parathyroid Hormone Monitoring using a Laboratory based Multichannel Analyser. Clin Otolaryngol 2008; 33(2): 134-7
  1. P Kothari, PS Randhawa, R Farrell. Rationale for Bilateral Tonsillectomy in the Treatment of Cervical Metastasis of Unknown Origin. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Jun;46(4):283-7
  1. SAR Nouraei, PS Randhawa, PJ Andrews, HA Saleh. Nasal feminization in male-to- female transsexual patients: the role of rhinoplasty in gender reassignment. Arch Facial Plast Surg. Sept/Oct 2007;9(5):318-320
  1. PS Randhawa, AD Mace, SAR Nouraei, MP Stearns. Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Do peri-operative biochemical variables correlate with parathyroid adenoma weight or volume? Clinical Otolaryngol. 2007 Jun; 32(3):179-84
  1. SAR Nouraei, MA Petrou, PS Randhawa, A Singh, DJ Howard, GS Sandhu. Bacterial Colonization of Airway Stents: A Promoter of Granulation Tissue Formation Following Laryngotracheal Reconstruction. Arch Otol Head Neck Surg. Vol. 132; Oct 2006:1-5
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