Brachioplasty surgery (also known as an arm lift) targets sagging skin on the upper arms. This condition is often seen if a patient loses a considerable amount of weight and also occurs as part of the ageing process. Commonly referred to as ‘bingo wings’, a standard arm lift removes excess hanging skin and stubborn fat deposits before the remaining skin and tissue is lifted for a smoother, tauter and more youthful look.
At Cosmetic Surgery Partners in London, our expert consultant cosmetic surgeons also provide mini arm lift surgery. This is most suitable for patients with less excess skin and minimal skin laxity. Vaser liposuction surgery may also be used to sculpt and reshape the upper arms. As for all Cosmetic Surgery Partners’ procedures, treatment for upper-arm sagging skin is completely tailored to each individual patient to meet their unique needs and optimise results.
Many patients feel self-conscious about sagging and loose skin around the upper-arm area. At Cosmetic Surgery Partners’ London clinic, our team of industry-leading consultant cosmetic surgeons carries out advanced surgical procedures to address the issue in a way that complements the rest of the body with natural-looking results.
We approach upper-arm excess and loose skin in numerous ways depending on a patient’s individual needs. If you have lost a lot of weight and have a considerable amount of excess skin, standard brachioplasty surgery may be the most appropriate treatment. This involves an incision from the elbow region to the armpit to allow for the removal of segment of skin and fat. The area will then be lifted for a tighter look.
If your skin has relatively good tone, a mini arm lift could be an option. The benefit of this procedure is that scarring is hidden entirely within the armpit. Vaser liposuction surgery can also be appropriate for some patients helping to reshape and contour the upper-arm area. As one of the most experienced liposuction surgery teams in London, our expert consultant cosmetic surgeons use this advanced procedure to sculpt problem areas (including the upper arms) to provide improved overall contour.
The surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic and usually involves an overnight stay at our London-based hospital. It’s important to consider the healing process which varies from one patient to the next but is typically 6 weeks. We will discuss all details of the surgery in depth during your consultation to help you make a fully-informed decision.
Our elite team of specialist consultant cosmetic surgeons has a great deal of experience and expertise in brachioplasty (arm lift) surgery. Our surgeons have extensive experience in this area and have helped to progress procedures such as the mini arm lift which leaves less scarring. As one of the founders of Cosmetic Surgery Partners’ London-based clinic, Nick is one of the UK’s most respected and renowned consultant cosmetic surgeons.
As part of the Cosmetic Surgery Partners patient journey, we provide a psychological assessment before surgery. This step is to prepare the patient, enhance their cosmetic surgery journey and support them psychologically if there are any mental health concerns.
To find out if brachioplasty (arm lift) surgery could be the right option for you, please book a consultation. Our expert surgeons will be able to assess your suitability and talk through possible treatment options. Please call our friendly clinic staff on 020 7486 6778 to book a consultation or ask any questions you may have regarding the procedure.
As the operation is carried out under general anaesthetic, stopping smoking is essential as is losing any excess weight. At Cosmetic Surgery Partners London, we will talk you through the entire procedure in detail and advise in depth on the results that can be realistically achieved.
The surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and takes 120 minutes. An incision is made between your elbow and armpit. The size of the incision will depend on the amount of excess skin and fat to be removed.
Segments of skin and fat are then removed before the remaining skin and tissue is lifted for a smoother, tauter appearance.
Most patients stay overnight at our London-based hospital after brachioplasty surgery. Recovery usually takes 6 weeks and you may need to take pain relief medication during that time.
The majority of patients are able to return to work within 2 weeks, but you will need to wear a body garment for the first few weeks after surgery to support the upper arms. It’s important to avoid any strenuous exercise or activities during this time.
In a standard arm lift, the scar is a straight line from the armpit to the elbow. Our surgeons are highly experienced in making scarring as minimal as possible and the scar is placed along the inside of the arm so it is less visible. For the mini arm lift, the scar will be hidden in the armpit. If you have Vaser liposuction surgery, several small incisions are made with less scarring than the standard arm lift surgery.
After you have recovered from brachioplasty surgery, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise. If your weight fluctuates, the results of your arm lift will be affected. Results are long term, although it’s natural to lose some firmness as you grow older.