Miles Berry is speaking at the Fourth International Breast Surgery Workshop


On Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April, the stunning city of Rome will be playing host to the Fourth International Breast Surgery Workshop. We’re excited to be able to announce that our very own specialist surgeon Miles Berry will not only be attending, but will be giving a lecture on the long term issues with PIP breast implants.

Taking place each year, the International Breast Surgery Workshop invites the very best cosmetic surgeons from all over the world to meet up and discuss a range of topics, including the most recent updates and breakthroughs in breast surgery. The workshop will begin with a live cosmetic surgery session on Friday 17th, followed by a range of focused lectures from leading names in breast surgery, including Miles, who is scheduled to speak about the dangers of PIP breast implants and how to help patients in need of breast implant replacement surgery.

PIP implants are a type of silicone breast implant, manufactured by a French company called Poly Implant Prostheses, which were banned in the UK back in 2010. PIP implants were banned by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) after it was discovered that they were being deliberately manufactured with industrial grade silicone and were therefore far more prone to rupture than other types of breast implants.

It is estimated that around 300,000 women in 65 countries have received PIP implants, including 47,000 British women. Many women with PIP implants have undergone further surgery to have them removed, due to the heightened risk of rupture and fears that they may leak low-grade silicone into their bodies, causing lasting damage.

At Cosmetic Surgery Partners, we offer breast implant exchange surgery, helping women to remove and replace existing breast implants. While we have helped a number of women who have wanted PIP implants removed, there are a range of other reasons that can lead to women wanting their breast implants replaced. Visit our breast implant exchange surgery page to find out more about this procedure.


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