The Most Common Correctional Cosmetic Procedures


As one of the UK’s leading cosmetic surgery specialists, Cosmetic Surgery Partners help patients undergo hundreds of successful treatments each year, and since our establishment in 2010 we have seen trends for the most common correctional cosmetic procedures change over the years. Often these trends can be down to a more educated public. There are many different reasons people choose to undergo cosmetic surgery, often stemming from a deep anxiety about the way a certain part of their body looks or feels to them leading to a wish to change this through plastic surgery.

In 2014, cosmetic procedures in the UK decreased by 9%; the ‘post-austerity boom’ that occurred in 2013, seeing figures rise to over 50,000 procedures in one year, is starting to return to a steady figure as Britons begin to show a more cautious attitude towards cosmetic surgery.

New cosmetic surgery trend

According to BAAPS (The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) there’s a new trend on the block, ‘Tweak not Tuck’, as in 2015 the trend has begun to shift towards cosmetic procedures that lend their way to a more understated approach enabling patients to tackle anti-ageing problems in a subtle way.

Due to this, at Cosmetic Surgery Partners we have seen a rise in procedures including Eyelid Surgery and Face Lifts as patients look to subtler tweaks that will provide them with a more youthful appearance.

Most popular correctional procedures

Breast augmentation still remains at the top of the list for the most popular cosmetic procedure in 2015. Technological advancements have led to cosmetic procedures being constantly updated and improved. In 2013, breast augmentation was performed 11,123 times which was up 13% from the previous year. While this figure dropped to around 8,600 in 2014, it was still the top procedure amongst women and even amongst men and women combined.

Eyelid surgery, otherwise known as blepharoplasty, is often carried out as the skin loses elasticity and muscles slacken with age. This can result in loose skin around the eyes, and so eyelid reduction surgery can remove this surplus skin or any protruding fat to create a more alert appearance. Figures from BAAPS in 2014 showed that blepharoplasty was the second most popular surgical procedure for men and women combined with 7,752 procedures carried out, while it was the most popular for men only.

Another procedure that has been placed in the bracket of tweaking your appearance, rather than something more drastic, is the idea of a face or neck lift. With 6,402 procedures of this kind being carried out in 2014 across men and women, this is another discreet tweak you can choose to do to help boost your confidence that little bit more. This procedure results in a smoother and tighter area, seemingly reversing the look of ageing as the muscles loosen. A face lift works best for the lower half of your face such as your cheeks, neck and jawline.

Nose jobs, or rhinoplasty, are a common way to alter the way you look. By changing just one facial feature your face can appear completely transformed, and while the figures for 2014 are down 20% from the year before, it is still a popular cosmetic procedure with rhinoplasty being carried out around 3,700 times. This type of surgery is often carried out to either increase or decrease the nose, changing the shape of the tip, the bridge or even the nostrils. With most patients making a full recover at 3-6 weeks after surgery, undergoing rhinoplasty can be a procedure that helps your self-consciousness.

Liposuction, the procedure that removes unwanted body fat, is often carried out on areas of the body where deposits of fat tend to collect, such as the tummy and thighs. With 4,138 procedures of this kind being carried out on women in 2014, showing a 10% increase from 2013, this is clearly a correctional cosmetic procedure that resonates with women across the UK. Liposuction is a proven treatment that works a lot better than non-surgical alternatives, which can sometimes be ineffective.

Fat transfer is another solution to tweaking your appearance. Fat is notoriously difficult to shift either through diet or exercise alone and many people turn to fat transfer to play a role in body contouring. Figures from 2014 show that fat transfer was carried out around 3,100 times among both men and women combined.

With correctional cosmetic surgery being a popular way to change something about yourself that you are not happy with, these more understated procedures can boost your confidence in a subtle way. Creating an aesthetic ideal by tweaking certain aspects of your appearance is clearly a common way to deal with signs of ageing. Get in touch with us today if you would like any advice or help on any of these correctional procedures 0207 486 6778.

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