Reveal Magazine features Katie Price’s plans to have a seventh boob job!

36 year old glamour model Katie Price, mostly recognized for her ever expanding chest size due to several breast augmentation procedures, has recently revealed plans to have her seventh boob job! She has said the breast surgery will be a Christmas present to herself, and she hopes to sell her current silicone implants in order to raise money for charity.

What Katie is having is commonly referred to as breast implant exchange or ‘revision breast surgery,’ and people have the procedure for a multitude of reasons. Some people have revision breast surgery because they are unhappy with the results of their surgery due to previously botched operations, and seek help from our surgeons to fix the problem. Another more recent reason for the procedure was the PIP breast implant scandal where thousands of women learned their breast implants were prone to rupturing and needed urgent replacing (note – we only use quality Motiva implants which carry a lifetime guarantee)

Why is Katie Price having yet another breast operation?

Katie believes pregnancy has ruined her famous assets, and therefore she needs them doing again. She believes her breasts now look saggy, and wants to make a change. Many patients we see at Cosmetic Surgery Partners come for this very reason. Mothers who breast feed report lost volume and bounce in their breasts post-breastfeeding their children and seek breast augmentation as a means of restoring the youthful perkiness of their breasts.

However Katie’s decision to go under the knife yet again could potentially impose a risk to her life. The more operations you have, the more the risks increase, and undergoing a 7th operation for cosmetic surgery reasons is not recommended.

Cosmetic surgeon Miles Berry gives offers his expert comment

Reveal Magazine asked our surgeon Miles Berry MS, FRCS if he would perform so many operations on the same person.

“Not usually for purely cosmetic reasons. While it’s not generally recommended to have so many general anaesthetics for non-medical reasons, the risks are low. However, Katie really does increase the risks at breast level. More scarring leads to greater unpredictability of result, wounds take longer to heal and I had a patient on her sixth operation who lost a lot of her nipple areola.”

She also has the risk of tissues thinning and stretching out, as they’ll never be as they were after the first operation due to your body’s healing time. Her risks of internal scarring will be increased, and an uplift to reduce excess skin will likely be needed too.

For more information on secondary breast surgery, please click here.

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