Our UK surgeon Mr Miles Berry comments on Victoria Beckham’s ‘super boobs’

Victoria Beckham aka Posh Spice said to be the main influence behind the latest ‘super boob job’ trend.

There’s been a lot of talk about Victoria’s breast implants recently, mainly due to the fact that she is the main inspiration behind the new trend in cosmetic breast surgery. Known as the ‘super boob job’, it is breast augmentation without the obvious signs of surgery.

Women who have breast augmentation surgery still want to have the volume and increase in size but do not want to be left looking like they have had two hard oranges bolted-on to their chest. Victoria Beckham is apparently the perfect example of what women would like their breasts to look like after having breast augmentation surgery. We think she has recently changed the style of implant she has previous to the initial implants she had 8 years ago. The ‘tear drop’ style breast implants which she now carries give her a more natural looking shape. On women like Victoria with a very petit body frame this is definitely the advisable shape of implant if you are trying to avoid looking like Jordan or Pamela Anderson who carry the ‘round’ type implant.

Posh spice is said to have doubled the number of women signing up for this kind of super boob job, which results in a natural looking breast without the signs of breast surgery.

Below surgeon Mr Miles Berry MS, FRCS (Plast) quoted in the Daily Star online. Click here for full article

Cosmetic surgeon Miles Berry said they want the “have-I haven’t-I” look of Victoria Beckham, 39.

He said: “They don’t want to look like Pamela Anderson or Jordan.”

Types of breast implants at Cosmetic Surgery Partners London

2 main styles of breast implants above

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